Be patient when ordering Colorado's free at-home COVID tests, state health department says

2022-06-15 15:53:20 By : Mr. Boss Huang

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Because of high demand, Coloradans who order free at-home COVID-19 testing kits through the state might have to wait up to two weeks for confirmation they’re in the program, the state health department said Friday.

On Tuesday, Gov. Jared Polis announced the state will give away 2 million at-home testing kits to any residents who sign up. The rapid tests are designed for regular screening, not as a substitute for lab-based testing if you have symptoms.

Some people who tried to order the tests have taken to social media to complain about delays. A spokeswoman for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment confirmed it can take anywhere from seven to 14 days for people to receive a confirmation email after signing up. The confirmation email includes a link to order the kits, and attempting to order without it will produce an “error” message, she said.

People who successfully sign up will be shipped eight free tests, to be used twice a week. Workplaces and airlines that required testing may not accept at-home results, so check before relying on a kit.

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